Kangaroo Kids Preschool & Billabong High International School

In 1992, I came to India for a long sabbatical, I landed up taking a teaching stint at a prestigious heritage school in suburban Mumbai, an experience that changed my life and led to the burning question “How can I bring back the joy of childhood for the children in India?”

In those days the education system in India was still grappling with a straitjacketed approach to education. Children were not excited about learning or going to school. It was robbing children of their childhood. The classrooms were crammed with disinterested students, and over-stressed parents, this is what inspired me to work on a model of education that was fulfilling, effective, and yet stress-free. That’s when I started Kangaroo Kids preschool and after that, it has been an upward journey.

With the advent of technology, I realised that there is a need to disrupt our current system and introduce a new model of education that will make the learning process even more effective and fun and that’s why I have started an online school called Dreamtime Learning. My journey as an educator has had its ups and downs. I faced challenges and resistance at every step. However, when parents saw the benefits of the new educational system, they became my biggest brand ambassador. My team and I are now working on a new model of education that will change the educational landscape for good.

One unique feature about your educational institution that makes it different from the other institutions in the country

Right from the time I started Kangaroo Kids to Billabong High International School to now Dreamtime learning my team and I have been designing our own curriculum in-house. This curriculum is designed to help children use their minds and understand the concept better. We work towards embedding concepts of habits of the mind, neuroscience and energy science that help children build a strong foundation for lifelong learning and thrive in their adult life.

As an Educator how have you influenced fellow educators and the education fraternity?

Kangaroo Kids and Billabong High was one of the few schools that worked towards creating an educational model that was learner- centric and once parents and other entrepreneurs saw the benefit of this educational model there were many players who came in and since then there has been an influx of these schools all across India. Giving more and more children access to quality education.

If as an education influencer given a chance to be the change & see the change in the field of education what would you like the change to be and how?

Our focus has always been the learner and my team and I have worked hard towards developing a learner-centric model of education where the child gets access to personalised learning.

According to me the end goal of education is to make sure the child understands the concept and can apply the same in their daily lives and along with that they learn important life skills.

In today’s day and age and even in the future technology will play an essential role and I would like everyone to use it as a tool to enhance the learning experience. Another area where we can move to is building dedicated learning centres where children can come together and learn.

As an Influential Educator, how would you encourage developing leadership capacity amongst your fellow colleagues?

I believe in walking the talk and have done the same with the schools

we started. I started Kangaroo Kids and Billabong High to give children access to a better learning model and when I realized that we need to rehaul our learning system I sold my company to start a whole new model of education.

I believe we need to continuously evolve and so does our education system so I would like my fellow educators to accept different trends that are coming and will come with open arms, test what works and make the learning experience fun and engaging. Incorporate those and let go of what doesn’t.

As an educator how have you influenced society?
Our Schools were the actual testament according to me. We inspired many parents and entrepreneurs to start their own schools on similar principles as ours. Some of the very first partners were parents who saw that our educational model worked and they decided to join hands with us and take this model across different cities in India. Parents wanted to send their kids to our schools as they saw the difference between a child who studied in a normal school from a child who studied in our schools.

What is your take on the more info present-day educational system in our country?
The educational system has seen a lot of change in the past decade, especially after the pandemic. The pandemic was a blessing in disguise which helped everyone realise how important technology is and how we can use technology to make learning fun and engaging. According to me, there is no perfect model, it has to be an evolving system that changes according to time and advancement in technology.

A message you’d like to website give to the upcoming professionals in the field of education with regard to the leadership qualities they must possess Education plays an important part in every child’s life and we are partly responsible for the kind get more info of foundation we help children build for their future. So, it better be one where they can thrive in their future lives.

Our job as educators is to try out new innovations and test if they can work as a tool to enhance learning or not. Our job as educators is to access not resist.

How does it feel when your team more info looks up to you as an influencer and what message would you like to give them?
My team has been my biggest support in my endeavour to make a better learning and teaching model. They believed in my vision and philosophy and worked with me to build a revolutionary model. Even today a lot of my old team has joined back and is working with me to build a futuristic educational model. I am glad to have these here people join me in my journey of creating a revolutionary educational system.

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